War Of The Worlds Screener

Million Dollar Baby Screener

Madagascar Screener

The Village Screener

Malena Academy Score

Cold Mountain Academy Score

There are 2 types of screeners:
(1) Academy - distributed for Oscar or Emmy consideration
(2) Pre-release - distributed to media/reviewers

Location: SoCal, United States

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Thursday, July 14, 2005

DVD Signing - Frank Darabont

June 13, 2000 - When The Green Mile was released on DVD. Director Frank Darabont did an in-store DVD signing at Dave's Video in Los Angeles (which is no longer around). I was fortunate to have been there. As well as getting the Green Mile DVD signed I also brought my Shawshank Redemption to get signed. Mr. Darabont has to be one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He's a gracious person and is willing to talk to you even thought there's a line of people waiting. I think the signing had started at 7:00 and was scheduled to end 11:00. Frank was there well after midnight. It was a memorable experience.

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